Color Blind

I stumbled on this the other day on Poplin & Queen's facebook page... and it totally came into play this morning!
Bob (who handles our decorative lighting) came into my office having some questions about the color lighting I had requested for one of my weddings this weekend.  This was also a perfect opportunity to discuss the lighting from the wedding show last weekend.  I had requested this blush color up-lighting (yet again) and this is what I got:
Although this looks VERY pretty, this would not be my perception of "blush".  To me this is more of a magenta or violet.  With this magenta/violet up-lighting it gives the look a more "platinum" feel where I was hoping to take such a bold linen and simplify how it is done here. 

If only I had made sure that "blush" meant the same thing to both of us! 
Now don't get me wrong, I still loved my table and thought it was just wasn't EXACTLY what I had envisioned! 

That being said, I definitely needed to get the color "blush" correct for this weekends wedding.  Soooo...when we were talking this morning and I showed him this image and he replied with...."oh, so you meat peach, not blush"

Perception is everything! 
Next time I will be sure to backup my description with an image to ensure there is no confusion!

CLEARLY... men and women see color in two totally different ways!


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