DIY Chalkboard

Another Dollar Store Project!  I have found yet another use for my Dollar Store Tin Tray staple that I love so much. I have had multiple uses for this little beauty including delivery treats to friends (and it doesn't matter if I leave it behind) but two of my favorite uses was when I used them to create a vintage look for two events that I did. 

Bridal Shower:

Red Dress Luncheon Fashion Show:

Now... for the next Dollar Store Tin Tray Debut:

What a perfect little message board for your kitchen!  Just take your tin tray or any tray for that matter and paint with chalkboard paint! (Be sure to use painters tape).



  1. Haleigh, this is such a great DIY! Definitely on my crafting list of things to do. I did a little post on some of my current dollar store faves and linked in this post for you!

    Follow me back if you like what you see, (local bloggers stick together?) :)

    xo Katie

    Dressing on the Side


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