Hubby does yard sale...Partleigh ; )

Saturday, June 9th:Good afternoon readers!  It has been an eventful morning here at the Hughes residence!  I got home last night after working a wedding to find my husband in the garage prepping for the yard sale that he decided to have about 5 minutes prior. 
After OUR wedding it was certainly time to get out with the old and in with the new. So having a yard sale really was a great idea.  But this weekend?  Regardless, he was doing it and seemed to be struggling a bit so I stepped in for some assistance.  I told him that I had two weddings the following day (it was going to be a long day) so if he wanted to do this, he would need to be the one up at 6am ready to greet the eager shoppers.
6am alarm one gets up, 6:15am...still no one up, 6:30am...he gets up....6:45am...I get up to see what all the raucous was in the garage.  We already have about 6 people on the prowl and there's my husband flailing around with his hair a mess, no shoes, and a dirty shirt.  It was clearly time for an intervention and a sales 101.  My poor husband, I love him to death, but I certainly don't have a problem giving him a hard time.
I washed my face, brushed my teeth, put my hair in a high pony, lip gloss, mascara, navy shorts and a white tee, and some gold flops and it was on.  I pulled hubby aside and told him to go inside and get himself together...most importantly, put a new shirt on!

Sales took off from there, and I took the back seat after that.  He was on a roll!  When lil' man Mathew woke up, he was ready to make some money himself so we whipped ourselves up some lemonade and threw a stand together.  Unlike his dad, mathew said to me, "hold on, before we start let me brush my teeth and hair and put my khaki shorts on!"

The boys were on a roll so I picked up some breakfast and started on my own endeavors , never a dull moment at this house!
Happy Saturday!

My Saturday endevors to follow...


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